Indigenous Learning Experience

“Weaving Justice and Peace in a Wounded Land”

The Indigenous Learning Experience (ILE) will take place at the Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice which focuses on developing, implementing, and teaching sustainable and regenerative earth practices. Eloheh (pronounced Ay-luh-hay) is a Cherokee Indian word meaning harmony, wholeness, abundance, and peace. The mission of this ILE is to deepen our understanding of the purposeful narrative of our Indigenous siblings and the biblical call to pursue—as well as function as ambassadors of—reconciliation. During this ILE we will consider what it means to pursue reconciliation with creation and how we can begin to live in harmony with the land through everyday spiritual practices and intentionality.

This ILE will introduce you to the lived experience and historic wisdom of our Indigenous siblings who have an impeccable record of living with the land as co-sustainers of what our Creator entrusted us with (Genesis 1 and 2). You will also learn about the worldview that undergirds our Indigenous family’s unique ability to live in fellowship with all created beings, understand and utilize the natural healing properties of creation, and engage in restorative practices that produce healing for the land and our relationships. 

During this ILE you will learn Indigenous ways of communing with the earth that are holistic and integrative. You will begin to see that we are in a reciprocal relationship with the plants, animals, and the land. At Eloheh, this understanding is called the whole “community of creation.” This ILE will illustrate how our service to the whole community can be integrative with how we approach life—all things that come from God through the earth, when kept in harmony, can heal us and foster shalom.

Trip details:

  • This Indigenous Learning Experience (ILE) will take place May 15 - 18, 2025
  • This ILE will take place at Eloheh Farm, in Yamhill Oregon
  • Participants who are flying in to participate in this ILE should fly in and out of the Portland Airport (PDX)
  • For the safety of our hosts, your fellow participants, and anyone we may encounter with preexisting health considerations, we are asking all participants to upload a picture of their Covid vaccination card(s) when registering for this ILE
  • Cost: $600.00

The cost of the trip includes:

  • Curated pre and post-trip resources
  • Three nights of lodging 
  • All meals, snacks, and water throughout the experience
  • Transportation to and from the airport (Please note: a vehicle will make one airport pick up and drop off trip to and from Eloheh. To take advantage of this free ride, you must coordinate your travel schedule around the van shuttle. We will send shuttle times out to you if you are chosen as a participant

Email with further questions.

Please answer the following questions to complete your interest form.

Due to the limited number of participants for the ILE (16 participants), you will receive a follow up application, where you can officially apply to be a participant for this experience upon completing this interest form. This ILE is unique within our LMDJ offering, in that it is not a first come, first serve, registration process like our other immersive experiences. As participants are selected for this ILE, we will strive to have ethnic, gender, and racial diversity. If you apply, and aren’t selected this time around, we encourage you to apply again, and we will also give you suggestions on how to improve your application going forward.