Volunteer Application
Which location would you like to volunteer at?
Lakes Region
Which service time would you like to volunteer at? (If applicable to that volunteer position)
I would like to volunteer in:
For more information on each ministry area, visit church.one/volunteer and view our volunteer roles available.
Aisle Host
Door Greeter
Facilities Maintenance
Information Desk
One Kids
One Students
Have you been to Get Connected?
No, I will be attending Get Connected at Bedford.
No, I will be attending Get Connected at Concord.
No, I will be attending Get Connected at Franklin .
No, I will be attending Get Connected at Manchester.
I, the undersigned volunteer, desire and agree to volunteer for One Church in the volunteer activity described above. I further understand and agree as follows:
1. I am donating my time and services without any compensation and shall at no time be considered an employee or independent contractor. One Church does not provide insurance coverage for me;
2. I know of no reason, medical or otherwise, that would prevent me from performing the tasks required to participate in this volunteer activity;
3. I assume all risks of participating in this volunteer activity and full responsibility for my conduct and actions, including any injury to myself or others or damage to property that may result while volunteering, and I understand that One Church is not responsible for conditions that I create myself or those created by other volunteers or participants.
I (and parent/legal guardian if volunteer is under age 18) have carefully read this release and understand and agree with all of its terms and conditions.
Signature of Parent/Guardian (if under 18)
ONE CHURCH POLICY GUIDE FOR SEXUAL Misconduct/Harassment Policy and Procedures
Addressing Sexual Misconduct/Harassment
One Church opposes any form of sexual misconduct/harassment by elders, employees, pastors, residents, interns, and volunteers. This policy applies equally to all stated above.
A. Defining Sexual Misconduct/Harassment Sexual misconduct/ harassment includes, but is not limited to: unwelcome and unsolicited sexual advances, request for sexual favors, discriminatory tormenting based upon gender, and other undesired verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. In particular, misconduct/sexual harassment occurs if there is:
1. Submission to any kind of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment as an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment;
2. Sexual misconduct/harassment reported as quid pro quo for the basis of employment or other personnel decisions affecting the recipient of the behavior;
3. Purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the recipient’s work performance;
4. Verbal harassment or abuse;
5. Pressure for sexual activity;
6. Derogatory or dehumanizing remarks about women/men;
7. Remarks to a person with sexual or demeaning implications;
8. Touching of a sexual nature;
9. Suggesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threats concerning one’s job, volunteer position, or reputation, etc.;
10. The dissemination of material (such as cartoons, articles, pictures, etc.) which have sexual content.
11. Sexual misconduct/harassment of a pastor involving elders, attendees/members, employees, other pastors, residents, interns, and volunteers with whom the pastor has a professional, pastoral relationship is unethical and unprofessional behavior.
12. Sexual contact between elders, attendees/members, employees, pastors, residents, interns, and volunteers with whom the employees or volunteers have a working, leading, or teaching relationship is unethical.
B. Reporting Sexual Misconduct/Harassment
1. Allegations of sexual misconduct/ harassment must be made in writing as to date, time, and circumstances.
2. The first step in stopping sexual misconduct/harassment is to directly inform the person involved that his/her conduct is unwelcome, a violation of church policy, and that it must stop immediately.
3. Anyone may report allegations of sexual misconduct/harassment to the Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor, HR Director, or an Elder.
4. Allegations of sexual misconduct against Elders, attendees/members, employees, other pastors, residents, and volunteers will be reported to the Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor, Elders, and HR Director.
5. Anyone who observes sexual misconduct/harassment or suspected sexual abuse involving minor children and vulnerable adults must be reported to the local legal authorities, the Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor, and HR Director. Reporting to local legal authorities is required by the New Hampshire and Vermont state laws.
6. Victims of sexual misconduct/harassment are assured legal confidentiality of any allegations they make.
C. Investigating Sexual Misconduct/Harassment
1. Elders, employees, pastors, residents, interns, and volunteers must cooperate with the investigation of an allegation of pastoral misconduct.
2. Allegations of sexual misconduct/harassment against Elders, employees, pastors, residents, interns, and volunteers will be investigated, handled with discretion, confidentiality and adjudicated by the HR Director, Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor, elders and/or an ad hoc committee appointed by the church elders in order to rectify, heal and promote dignity. The committee shall report its findings and recommendation to the HR Director and if necessary to the church elders.
3. Victims of alleged sexual misconduct/harassment have the right to confront the accused.
4. Victims may have the support of a trained advocate through the process.
5. The accused has the right to know the nature and substance of the allegations.
6. The victim and the accused will be apprised of the investigation and its outcome.
7. Any suspicion of sexual misconduct/harassment must be reported to the Executive Pastor and HR Director.
D. Youth Activities There will be chaperones of both genders at all church sponsored youth activities, when young people of both genders are participating in the activity. Men will not chaperone girl’s activities without a woman present and women will not chaperone boy’s activities without a man present. Chaperones of the opposite sex who are related cannot provide oversight together.
E. Responding to Sexual Misconduct/Harassment
1. Elders, employees, pastors, residents, interns, and volunteers found responsible of sexual misconduct/harassment can be dealt with in accordance to what the elders deem to be appropriate and/or turned over to the local authorities if necessary.
2. False allegations reported to the Elders, HR Director, Senior Pastor, and Executive Pastor can be subject to disciplinary action.
3. In the event of the allegation being known to the congregation we will extend Christian love and support to the victims and their families.
4. In the event of the allegation being known to the congregation we will extend Christian love and support to those accused and/or found responsible of sexual misconduct/harassment.
F. Oversight and Education
1. The appropriate elders, employees, pastors, residents, interns, and volunteers are responsible for the education of congregation members/attendees and volunteers about sexual misconduct and the existence of these polices.
2. The church HR Director or appropriate leader shall review these policies with elders, attendees/members, employees, pastors, residents, interns, and volunteers.
3. The Executive Pastor, Senior Pastor, Elders and HR Director are responsible to ensure that these policies are followed.
4. Elders, employees, pastors, residents, interns, and volunteers will be educated in regards to this policy and acknowledge policy by signature.
I acknowledge that I have received a copy of One Church's Sexual Misconduct Policies and Procedures document. I agree to read it thoroughly. I agree that if there is any policy or provision that I do not understand, I will seek clarification from my ministry leader. I understand that this document states One Church’s policies and procedures in effect on the date of the publication. I also understand that these policies and procedures are continually evaluated and may be amended, modified or terminated at any time.
By my signature below,, I acknowledge that I have received a full copy of One Church’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures. I have read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions within.
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