2024 Pennsylvania Propane Annual Meeting
Sponsor Registration
June 19, 20, 21
Location: Seven Springs Mountain Resort, 777 Waterwheel Drive, Seven Springs, PA
Fees: Full, Spouse/Guest & Children registrations includes welcome social/dinner Wednesday, breakfast, lunch, reception & dinner Thursday, breakfast on Friday, attendance to all events (participation in the corn hole tournament & team building activity is not included in the meeting registration fee).
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Platinum: $3,000 - includes 2 full meeting registrations & 2 spouse/guest registrations. Hotel accommodations for two nights (two rooms for June 19 & 20). Exclusive opportunity to speak (5-10 minutes) at Opening Session - June 20. Recognition during meeting. Option to insert literature in meeting packet. Exclusive advertiser in the weekly News and Information Eblast throughout 2024. Only One Platinum Sponsorship Available
Diamond: $1,250 - includes 2 full meeting registrations. Recognition during meeting. Option to insert one piece of literature in meeting packet. Option to provide a brief description (up to 150 words) of yourself and/or company to be shared during meeting.
Gold: $750 - includes one full meeting registration. Recognition during meeting. Option to insert one piece of literature in meeting packet.
Silver: $500 - includes recognition during meeting. Option to insert one piece of literature in meeting packet.
Bronze: $250 - includes recognition during meeting.
Specialty Sponsorship Opportunities:
Welcome Dinner/Social $200 - includes recognition during event. (only 2 available)
Corn Hole: $150 - includes recognition during tournament.
Bloody Mary/Mimosa Bar: $650 - includes one full meeting registration. (only 2 available)
Dinner: $400 - includes recognition during event.