1 week FREE PASS!
Come join us for a free week at the gym
Potential members only - Limitations apply - 1 pass per person
$25 value
Participant Name
Participant understands and agrees that the use of the facilities could result in severe injuries, including paralysis or death, and Participant assumes any and all such risk. In consideration of the acceptance of Participant’s application for camp, Participant, intending to be legally bound, hereby for Participant, Participant’s heirs, executors and administrators, waives, releases, discharges and agrees to hold harmless Fit 4 Life, its shareholders, officers, directors, servants, agents, and employees from any liability resulting from any and all claims, demands, injuries, damages, or causes of action relating to Participant's use of Fit 4 Life, including its facilities, property and equipment, whether as a result of negligence by such persons or otherwise. Participant agrees that the forgoing release includes any liability for any lost or stolen property of the Participant. Participant represents and warrants that Participant is physically able to undertake any and all physical exercises and use of the facilities provided by Fit 4 Life. In the event of any accident or injury to Participant, Participant agrees that a licensed physician will examine Participant at Participant's sole expense and a copy of any report relating to the examination will be provided to Fit 4 Life.
Adult/guardian signature
(use mouse to sign)