Omicron Delta Nurse Professional Membership Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in the Omicron Delta chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Comprised of over 135,000 nurses from around the globe, Sigma is recognized as one of the most distinguished nursing organizations and a world leader in nursing scholarship, leadership, and service.
Criteria for consideration
No matter where you are in your nursing career, if you meet the criteria for consideration and are currently a nursing professional or a student in a post-licensure graduate program you may apply to join as a Nurse Professional.
To be considered for induction into The Society as a Nurse Professional, you must:
• be a registered nurse, legally recognized to practice in your country;
• have a minimum of a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent in any field; and
• have demonstrated achievement in nursing
Membership to the honor society is based on the criteria above. This form is not an application for membership, but rather used to collect information to determine eligibility and does not guarantee membership.
This interest form is for Nurse Professionals only. If you are a student
apply here
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Part 1. Personal Information
Home Address
Current employer
Current position
Part 2.
Curriculum Vitae (CV), Biosketch, or Resume
Please attach your current curriculum vitae (CV), biosketch, or resume.
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Part 3. Achievement in Nursing
Candidates shall have demonstrated achievement in nursing in one of the following areas. Examples for each area are provided below. The examples are meant to be illustrations of possible achievements and are not meant to be specific requirements for application.
Some potential examples include, but are not limited to:
• Engaging in evidence-based practice projects at the unit or institutional level.
• Engaging in quality improvement programs that bring about change to practice, patient care, or policies.
• Receiving a research grant.
• Conducting research and disseminating findings.
• Mentoring of junior nurse researchers.
• Publishing in a peer-reviewed professional journal.
• Developing evidence-based educational programs for nurses.
• Designing and instituting contemporary educational models to influence nursing education.
• Being recognized as an expert in a nursing or other health-related area.
Some potential examples include, but are not limited to:
• Chairing a committee within an organization and collaborating with interdisciplinary groups.
• Holding a leadership position in a professional nursing, other health-related, or community organization/association.
• Mentoring others to help prepare them for leadership positions.
• Engaging in healthcare policy development or advocacy work.
• Being recognized by an organization/institution/agency for providing exemplary leadership in a specific area or on a specific project.
• Leading the development and implementation of original nursing projects designed to improve patient care or the functioning of the healthcare organization.
• Serving as an external consultant or reviewer to professional or educational organizations (e.g., accreditation site visitor, external program consultant).
• Mentoring of junior nurse researchers.
• Publishing in a peer-reviewed professional journal.
• Developing evidence-based educational programs for nurses.
• Designing and instituting contemporary educational models to influence nursing education.
Service or Practice
Some potential examples include, but are not limited to:
• Working with a non-profit organization that does global outreach and relief work.
• Facilitating the work of a homeless health clinic.
• Organizing and sustaining ongoing volunteer recruits to work in a food bank.
• Developing and leading projects and activities to promote well-being, such as a spiritual support group for nurses, Relay for Life, suicide awareness and prevention, opioid abuse epidemic awareness and prevention.
• Sustaining volunteer community service for organizations such as The Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, Doctors without Borders, or Rotary International.
• Implementing shared governance models within an organization or institution.
• Serving on institutional/organizational governance committees.
• Developing and monitoring preceptor programs for new nurses.
• Developing a nurse residency program.
Please indicate the area(s) in which you have demonstrated achievement in nursing:
Service or Practice
Please briefly describe your achievement(s): (300 words maximum)
I wish to become a member of Sigma Theta Tau Omicron Delta Chapter and feel I have demonstrated achievement in nursing as represented above.
Part 4. Next Steps
Invitation ...
If you are approved as a Nurse Professional candidate, you will receive an invitation directly from Sigma Theta Tau by email with information on becoming a member and its benefits. To ensure that your invitation is delivered, please add to your address book, and check your junk folder if needed.
Once you receive your invitation, activating your membership is easy. The online form will ask you to confirm your contact information and will collect a $119 induction/membership fee. (Please pay special attention to the name field, as this is exactly how your membership certificate will be printed.) See below for more information on accepting membership based on induction attendance.
Questions About Membership?
Contact Member Services at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.634.8171 (International), or Eligibility Criteria can be viewed on the
Omicron Delta membership webpage
We look forward to welcoming you as a member of Sigma and Omicron Delta.
July 2022
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