If your event is open to the public, would you like it to appear on our website’s event map so volunteers can contact you to attend your event? If yes, please check this box for your email and event details to be displayed on our website.
If you answered "No" to the previous question, we invite you to become a member of Break Free From Plastic by signing up here.
Check here to confirm you are a Break Free From Plastic member (core, associate, or individual supporter). This is the only requirement to organizing a brand audit.
I understand that in order for my event’s brand audit data to be represented in Break Free From Plastic’s annual global data analysis, I must use one of the official data submission tools listed on the brand audit website.
I understand that in order for my event’s brand audit data to be represented in Break Free From Plastic’s annual global data analysis, I must submit my data by the end of 2024.