We, the undersigned, understand this handbook contains important information forparents, guardians and children. We acknowledge we have received a copy of theHandbook. We are aware this handbook contains information and policies for ourreview. We have reviewed the information and policies contained in this handbook. Weunderstand all children will be held accountable for their behavior and failure to abideby the guidelines for child behavior can result in the discipline outline in this handbookand signed disciplinary policy.
We understand further that failure to return this acknowledgement for does not excuseany individual form complying with the policies, regulations and guidelines. We areaware Champion Kidz Scholastic Institute and Childcare reserves the right at any time to amend or add topolicies, regulation and guidelines contained or referred to in this handbook. We arealso aware that a copy of the handbook can be provided electronically if requested atanytime. Changes or updates to the handbook will be placed in the red daily folder.