Ready & Roll Bike Rentals
Liability Waiver and Rental Agreement
Electronic Signature is Required for Bike Rental. By signing the Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims Assumptions of Risks and Indemnity agreement you will waive certain legal rights including the right to sue.
The undesigned hereby states that he or she is a competent user of the equipment and is at least 21 years of age, that they are identified as the renter in our Waiver Form. The renter acknowledges and agrees that they have read the Waiver & Agreement & understand all of terms and provisions contained herein. The renter understands this form is a release of liability and a contract between Ready and Roll Bike Rentals and themselves and any other person who they let use the equipment.
Release of Liability & Waiver
I agree to Hold Harmless and Indemnify Ready and Roll Bike Rentals LLC and it’s owners, agents, and employees, as well as the equipment manufacturers and distributers, of any and all loss or damage I may cause to person or property while engaged in bike related activities. I agree to Waive any and all claims I have or may have in the future. This includes, but is not limited to, any and all claims for personal injury, death and/or property damage that may arise out of the use of this bike and it’s equipment, to myself or others. I understand and am aware that biking can be a hazardous activity and involves risk of injury to any and all parts of the body. I hereby freely and expressly assume and accept responsibility for any and all risks of harm and/or death while participating in this activity.
I understand that it is not possible to predict every situation and condition of the terrain the bike will be ridden on; therefore, it is impossible to guarantee the bike I use will react safely in all riding conditions. I accept/assume all of the risks, danger and hazards associated with riding a bicycle.
Rental Terms & Agreement
I accept for use, as is, the bike rental equipment, and accept full responsibility for all of the equipment (bikes, helmets, locks, baskets, parts). I agree to pay for any damage or loss of equipment and understand a $350 replacement fee could be applicable if total loss occurs. $40 for each lock, key, basket or helmet. I understand I will be notified of damage/lost items and my credit card will be charged if neccessary.
I acknowledge I have received a helmet to wear while biking. I am aware that riding a bike is subject to all Municipal and NJ State Highway Rules & Regulations. Anyone riding a bike under the age of 17 is required to wear a helmet under NJ Law.
I will not ride the bike under the influence or drugs or alcohol or in the dark without a light.
All children riding a bike will be supervised by a parent/adult.
Bikes and equipment should be locked and/or stored securely at all times.
I will have bikes and all equipment ready for pickup on time (5pm Friday unless noted). Late pickups are not offered and after 15 minutes I understand I will be charged a late fee of $50 per bike.
Cancelations must be made at least 7 days prior to the delivery date for a full refund, otherwise, no refund will be issued.
I understand a "weekly" rental duration is from Sunday to Friday. Bikes are delivered Sunday mornings and picked up on Friday starting at 5pm.
By digitally signing below, renter agrees to all of these terms and waiver of liability.