Application Form
First name
Phone number
Role you want to apply for
Please select
Summer Staff
Tutor / Mentor
Please select
Please choose your staff role
Please select
Head of House
Activities Coordinator
Please select
Are there any other roles you are interested in?
Please choose the subject you specialise in
Please select
Architecture & Design
Biology & Life Sciences
Business/ Economics/ Finance
Computer Science
Creative Writing
Debate & Public Speaking
Politics/International Relations
World History & Philosophy
Please select
Are there any other subjects you can cover?
Are you able to teach online, in the city of Oxford - or both?
In the city of Oxford
Both Online and in the city of Oxford
Are you eligible to work in the UK?
Yes, I have the unrestricted right to work in the UK
I have the right to be employed in the UK, but not to be self-employed
I need assistance to work in the UK
I do not live in the UK and will not be based in the UK for the duration of my teaching (for online tutoring roles only)
Apologies, we aren't able to accept applications from people who require assistance to work in the UK.
Please could you let us know more information about your right to work in the UK?
For example, if you're on a Tier 4 visa with certain restrictions, please list them here.
Have you attended, or are are you currently attending, University?
Which University/Universities are you attending/did you attend?
About your time at University
Please select
I am currently studying for an undergraduate degree
I am currently studying for a postgraduate degree
I have graduated from university after completing undergraduate study
I have graduated from university after completing postgraduate study
Please select
Year of Study
Please select
I am currently in my first year of undergraduate study
I am currently in my second year of undergraduate study
I am currently in my third year of undergraduate study
I am currently in my fourth year of undergraduate study
I am currently studying for my Masters/ MPhil
I am currently studying for my PhD/ DPhil
Please select
Why would you like to work for us?
As a tutor with OSA, how would you handle the following situation in your class?
One of your students is excelling in your subject, while another is struggling to keep up. How would you balance the needs of both students during a group tutoring session to ensure each receives appropriate attention and support?
Please answer in a few sentences.
Please tell us about your educational experience here, including qualifications received and details of any qualifications you are currently working towards
Please include the course studied, the university, qualification (eg: BA), date started and date completed (or date you will complete)
Please highlight any former experience that is relevant to the role
We are looking for tutors who can commit to most of the summer (June-August). Are there any dates you are not available for?
We have a range of roles available, with the possibility of two-, four-, and six-week contracts. Do you have a preference?
Please upload your CV
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Choose files or drag here
How did you hear about us?
Word of mouth
Web search
University newsletter/advert
Social media
Oxford Summer Jobs
Escape the City
Did Teach
Please could you let us know the name of the person you heard about us from?
We'd love to go back to them and thank them for spreading the word!
Privacy notice: Oxford Scholastica will process your data in this application form solely for recruitment and safeguarding purposes only, in accordance with our policies, and we will not share it with anyone else. If your application is unsuccessful, we will then either delete your data or keep it in our database to keep you in mind for future roles. If you would prefer us to delete your data and not keep you in mind for future roles please
contact us
I declare that the information given in this application form is true and complete, that I have read and understood the Privacy notice and that I am not, and have never been, the subject of any proceedings before a professional conduct panel or equivalent body in the UK or any other country for any reason which prevents me working with children. I understand that the Oxford Scholastica Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its students, and that its staff, tutors and mentors play a key role in this (as a result, appointments will be subject to references and a successfully completed enhanced DBS check). As part of Oxford Scholastica's safeguarding procedures, I understand that 1) I will be asked to provide two referees (at least one of these referees should be able to speak to your suitability to work with children, and one of them should be your most recent employer), and 2) if I have given any misleading information on this form or made any omissions, this could result in my application being rejected, or summary dismissal if I have been selected, and referral to the police and/or the DBS.
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