University of Mobile Readmit Application
5735 College Parkway | Mobile, Alabama 36613251-442-2536 |
AUTHORIZATION: The undersigned does hereby certify to the best of his/her knowledge; the information given in this application is correct and complete. Further, it is agreed the University has permission to verify any or all information given herein. It is also agreed the University shall be supplied copies of U.S. and State Income Tax Reports upon request. Any significant change in financial status will be reported to the University.
To the applicant for Federal Student Financial Assistance:
Section 484 of the Higher Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1091) requires that each recipient of a grant, loan or loan guarantee under the Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, National Direct Student Loan, Guaranteed/Federal Insured Student Loan or Auxiliary Loan programs file a statement of education purpose stating that money attributable to such a grant, loan or loan guarantee will be used solely for expenses related to attendance or continued attendance at an institution of higher education. The amount of compensation received from employment under the College Work-Study Program is based on a student’s need for such funds to attend an institution of higher education; thus, earnings from that program must be used
solely for expenses related to attendance at such an institution. A student participating in the College Work-Study Program shall file a statement to that effect.
Furthermore it is a federal law (Public Law 97-252; Section 1113 of the Fiscal Year 1983 Defense Department Authorization ACT, 48FR15578-84) that a student is ineligible for student financial assistance provided through programs established under Title IV of the Higher Educational Act if the student is required to have registered with Selective Service and fails to do so.
By signing below:
• I am fully aware that the University of Mobile expects a high standard of academic performance and personal conduct from each student. I understand and agree with these principles and, if accepted for admission, I promise to abide by all rules and regulations of the University of Mobile.
• I understand that if any information on this form is found to be inaccurate or incomplete, it will be sufficient cause for my rejection or dismissal.
• If I choose to enroll, I understand it is my responsibility to read all University publications, including but not limited to the University of Mobile catalog and Student Handbook.
• I agree to conduct myself in accordance with the high standards of the University of Mobile and the established residence hall policies as set forth in the University of Mobile catalog, Student Handbook and other publications.