Program Consents & Waivers
Participation in Programming & Field Trips: I give permission for my child, whose name is listed above, to participate in the Brockport Summer Learning program. My permission includes, but is no limited to: Transportation to and from program site; participation, including transportation, in all off-site activities, field trips and special events; academic and health assessment; and program learning and activities. I hereby release The Research Foundation for State University of New York (SUNY), State University of New York (SUNY); SUNY Brockport; and all employees, affiliates, officers and Boards of Directors of these three entities, of any liability, loss, damage, or injury incurred by me or my child during program transportation, off-site activities or program activities.
Emergency Medical Treatment: In the event of a medical emergency requiring immediate medical attention, I give permission for medical assistance to be given to the child listed above. Furthermore, if I cannot be reached and emergency care is needed, I give permission for program staff to make arrangements for the child listed above to be transported to the nearest hospital emergency room. The hospital has my authority to provide the child listed above all medical care they deem necessary, and I agree to be financially responsible for any and all care given.
Data sharing: I understand that The Research Foundation for SUNY, SUNY Brockport, and program partners, including my child’s school and the Rochester Summer Learning Collaborative will share and track information and data about my child following all federal and state laws regarding privacy and confidentiality. The information will be used only to help inform my child’s education.
Internet Usage: I give permission for my child to use the Internet at the program and hereby release the school from any associated liabilities.
Transportation plans: I agree that if my child’s transportation plans change for any reason, or if they will be picked up early, or by someone other than the guardian, I will provide the information in writing at least 24 hours in advance.
The electronic signature below replaces a handwritten signature on paper.
I attest that I am the legal parent or guardian of the child named above. I affirm that the information I have submitted is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.