Scoring Your Assessment
1. Match the numbers that you checked with the numbers below.
2. Identify the gift type next to the numbers you've checked.
Gift Type & Numbers
Practical Needs -- 3, 8, 13, 14
Spiritual Insights -- 4, 6, 11, 15
Missional -- 1, 12
Oversight -- 2, 7, 9, 16
Words -- 5, 10, 17
Practical Needs -- Giving, Helps and Service, Hospitality, Mercy
God has given you abilities to attend to the practical needs of the church and the world. You may find yourself caring for people who are hurting or by preparing them a meal. Many gifts In this area are behind-the-scenes gifts. These gifts may be behind the scenes, but they are essential to the health of the body.
Spiritual Insight -- Discernment, Faith, Knowledge, Prophecy
God has given you abilities to help others understand spiritual matters with helpful insight or perspective. You may be able to see solutions to problems before other people. You also may be able to see a person’s intentions. People may seek you for wisdom.
Missional -- Apostleship, Evangelism
God has given you entrepreneurial abilities to see the Gospel advance beyond the walls of the church. You may find yourself wanting to start new ministries or go to new places. You may have an overwhelming desire to share the Gospel with people you don’t know.
Oversight -- Administration, Leadership, Shepherd, Wisdom
God has given you leadership abilities to be used in the church. You may find people looking to you for direction. You have a heart to lead God’s people like a shepherd cares for his sheep.
Words -- Encouragement, Shepherd-Teacher, Teaching
God has given you abilities to inspire and teach. You may find yourself speaking to individuals or groups. You have a desire to help the church connect to God’s Word and the church’s vision.