NO REFUNDS, no cancelations, make up sessions or prorating. By clicking here parents/guardians agree to the no refund policy.
Parents/guardians/spectators will not be allowed on the practice field. Parents/guardians/spectators must stay in the area designated for spectators and watch the practice from the spectators area. No exceptions.
Royal York FC reserves the right to make the programs co-ed (join boys and girls) if registration numbers are not sufficient to keep boys and girls separate. NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED IF BOYS AND GIRLS ARE JOINED TOGETHER.
By clicking Register, I agree to the terms of service: NO REFUNDS. HST is not included in the prices. Royal York Football Club reserves the right to change the program schedule, date, time and location or cancel programs at anytime. Royal York FC will not issue a refund due to change of program schedule, time and location. For details see our refund policy. Royal York Football Club will make no concessions to re-schedule a class or have a make-up class due to weather or any other circumstances. Royal York Football Club will not pro-rate for missed sessions. Missed sessions will not be carried over into next program block. Royal York Football Club reserves the right to cancel program, change the program location, change the program date, change the program time, cease program offer at any time without notice or obligation. Royal York Football Club reserves the right to offer programs or sessions at anytime without notice or obligation. PHOTOS AND VIDEOS of my child engaged in soccer activity will be used for promotional and advertising purpose by RYFC.