Emerging Artist Program
Guidelines and Application
The Emerging Artist Program is designed to provide performance experience to American Harp Society National Competition winners other than the Concert Artist. Requests are submitted by AHS Chapters for financial support of up to $400 for assistance in presenting competition winners, in person or virtually.
The most recent Emerging Artist winners are listed on www.harpsociety.org/winners-outreach-program. Chapters are encouraged to consider artists within or near their region to manage expenses, or have them perform virtually.
The Program supports:
• Travel and accommodations for the soloist associated with performance opportunities (may use federal standard for gas mileage)
• Expenses involved directly in the production: hall rental, stage managing fees, lighting, publicity, ticket sales, promotions and printing.
• If a chapter needs clarification of specific supported expenses, please contact the Program Chair.
The Emerging Artist Program Chair and the Executive Committee of the AHS Board will consider applications in the order that they are received. Chapters will be notified of any award within three months of receipt of the application, along with contact information for the approved artist.
Recipient Chapter Responsibilities
• Include the acknowledgement “Funded in part by the American Harp Society Emerging Artist Program” with the provided graphic file on program and advertising materials, websites, etc.
• Submission to the Program Chair of an online brief narrative report, program copy, expense report, and receipt copies withinonemonthafterthe event.
• Fund program expenses from chapter resources until the receipt of award funds, which are mailed after report submission. (Chapters may petition for a partial advance if an unusual cash flow situation arises.)
• Chapter eligibility for future AHS funding is contingent upon fulfilling these responsibilities.