Volunteer Application Form
Applications close September 25th, 2023.
This form is to be used to submit an expression of interest to volunteer at the 2023 Tasmanian Community Landcare Conference held at Spring Bay Mill, trayapana/Triabunna, on Friday 13th - Sunday 15th October 2023. Please ensure you have read the Volunteer Guidelines before completing this application form. You can find them here:
Volunteer Guidelines
You can request a word document version of this form if you would prefer to submit it via email. If you have questions about the application, please get in contact with us at Landcare Tasmania: Ph. (03) 6234 7117. conference@landcaretas.org.au
Thank you so much for putting your hand up to volunteer at this years Tasmanian Community Landcare Conference weekend.
It means a lot to the team that you are willing and interested in helping make this event a huge success.
We couldn't be doing it without you! This will be a great learning, sharing and networking experience, as well as helping a great volunteer member-run organisation celebrate our achievements of caring for our land and waterways.
Volunteering is open to all conference attendees over 18 years of age.
Depending on the role you choose to do, and the time commitment required, volunteers are eligible for a complimentary pass to one or all of the weekend of events.
You don't have to be a Landcare Tasmania member to volunteer!
Scheduling volunteers for a complex multi-day event requires a large amount of planning and cooperation. We appreciate your application, please consider your answers carefully.
About You
Personal Details
Landcare Group (if relevant)
Email address
Confirm Email address
Phone number
Date of Birth
Why would you like to volunteer?
What skills do you have that you would like to share with us as a volunteer?
Do you have any dietary requirements?
Gluten Free
Allergic to Nuts
Allergic to Dairy
Allergic to Seafood/Shellfish
Do you have a current Working With Vunerable People Card?
If so, please provide the card number here
Do you have an up to date First Aid certificate?
First aid completed within past 3 years, CPR refresher completed within past 12 months.
Do you have medical conditions or limitations that might affect your volunteering?
If yes, please provide details. All volunteers will be asked to complete a volunteer contract and medical form at a later time
Are you intending on volunteering for the conference with someone else?
If so, please tell us their name here:
Roles and Shifts
Please select all the roles you are willing to undertake and all the shifts you are available.
The final roster will always include free time for you to enjoy parts of the conference. For example, if you indicate you are available for every shift of the day, you will not be rostered for all of those shifts.
Please note: All times listed below are approximate
September - October Pre-Conference
Pre-Conference Volunteering at the Hobart Office
Hours to be arranged with each person based on their availability
Packing gear (requires lifting)
General office admin - e.g. data entry, gear labelling, name tags, raffle prep, or similar
Driving gear to Spring Bay Mill
Whole-Weekend Roles
Select your availability
Whole Weekend
Friday 13 Oct
Saturday 14 Oct
Sunday 15 Oct
Select your availability
Whole Weekend
Friday 13 Oct
Saturday 14 Oct
Sunday 15 Oct
Companion Driver - picking up and dropping off guests at accommodation (car provided)
This may involve supporting our valuable older Landcarers with mobility or other accessibililty issues
Select your availability
Whole Weekend
Friday 13 Oct
Saturday 14 Oct
Sunday 15 Oct
Thursday 12 October
Thursday in Kingston - 12 October
9am - 4pm - Kitchenhand for food prep
Friday 13 October
Venue bump-in - 13 October
Please select all shifts you're available, and roles that suit you
9am - 1pm - Morning Session
1pm - 6pm - Afternoon Session
Room and signage setup (requires lifting)
Styling/decorating - e.g. with natural foliage (eye for design)
BBQ & Dark Sky Walk at Spring Bay Mill
Please select all shifts you're available, and roles that suit you
10am - 12pm - Morning Setup (involves lifting)
2pm - 9:30pm - Afternoon/Evening
Kitchenhand - cooking, serving
Help with packup and rubbish removal (invovles lifting)
Assisting with Dark Sky Walk
Saturday 14 October
Saturday at Spring Bay Mill - 14 October
Conference Day
Some wayfinding shifts will be assisting some of our valuable older Landcare members who have mobility limitations, such as wheelchair, walker frame or blindness, navigate the venue and enjoy the talks or workshops they’re interested in attending. Please let us know if you are especially interested in one of these shifts
Please select shifts and roles
7am - 12pm - Morning Session
12pm - 6pm - Afternoon Session
8pm - 10pm - Evening Packdown
Wayfinding - guiding people through the site
Traffic Management - showing people where to park
Front of House Support - Ticketing, name tagging, info desk, selling merch
Room or Workshop Host - Introduce speaker and be timekeeper
Setup or Packdown (involves heavy lifting)
Any comments
Sunday 15 October
Field Trip support
Registration, head count, other support
Half day (finishes approx. 2pm)
Whole Day
Accommodation & Transport
Do you have accommodation?
If you need support for accommodation, this will be negotiated with us and may be at an additional cost to you. Please provide a brief note on your accommodation:
Do you have your own transport?
Thank you for applying to be a volunteer at the Tasmanian Community Landcare Conference 2023.
Once we have assessed all applications, we will be in touch.
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