External Survey Request Form

The University of Mobile has instituted a policy to evaluate all survey requests from those outside the university and determine whether or not to grant access on a case-by-case basis. 

As per university Regulation 6.4.a, any person not affiliated with UM wanting to administer a survey to UM students, alumni, faculty, staff, or administrators is required to complete the External Survey Request Form (ESR). The information provided in this form will be used to evaluate your project and make our determination. While you must complete the ESRF online here, it might be helpful to first review a PDF of it so you are aware of all the information you will be asked to provide.

Please allow up to two weeks for UM to process your request (this will take longer for requests made during the summer and other academic breaks). For more information about the survey registration process contact the IRB chair at ghollingsworth@umobile.edu.
Please select
Please provide a copy of the documentation you received from IRB indicating the project was approved or exempt. Note: Just attach just a copy of the letter/email you received from IRB, NOT the entire IRB proposal.
Delete all uploads
Choose files or drag here
Include: Name, Title, Office/Department, and Email
First Day - Last Day (MM/DD/YYYY)
Please read carefully!

It is exceedingly rare that any survey will be administered to literally everyone in the larger survey population (e.g., all undergraduates, all faculty). Rather, most surveys are targeted to a certain subset of the population, or are administered to a random sample of the larger population. This is particularly true for those outside of UM wanting to include members of our campus community in their survey. The IRB in consultation with UM Institutional Research can help you clarify your survey population, and work with you to select a random sample.
In the information you provide below, please clarify who you will be specifically targetting for inclusion in your survey. Please be aware that as per FERPA and other privacy protections, UM will not be able identify members of our campus community and provide you with contact information based on any protected statuses (e.g., by race/ethnicity, gender, citizenship status, age). If your target population is based on such protected statuses, it is possible, but by no means guaranteed, that we can work with you to distribute your survey.
As a rule, those not affiliated with UM who are granted permission to include our students, faculty, staff or administrators in the population for their survey are expected to directly contact those individuals to invite them to participate. The IRB in consultation with UM Institutional Research will work with you to identify the appropriate sample members, and provide you with their email addresses. Only under rare circumstances will  anyone from UM contact survey population members on your behalf to inform them about your survey.
Thank you for completing the External Survey Request Form. You can select "Previous" if you wish to review/edit your answers. When you click on "Submit" your form will be submitted. You will then see another page, then taken to a page with a pdf file of the information you have provided that you can save for your records.