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Northern California SSSIn - May 15-21, 2024 - Registration

Contact Information

As shown on your passport
Please use the email address you'll want us to use to communicate with you.
Please include country code and indicate both numbers if they are different.
We need this to invite you to the Graduates FB group after the training
We need this to invite you to the Graduates FB group after the training

Additional Information

Delete all uploads
Choose files or drag here
Tell us more about the heritage / background that matters most to you.
If in the US or Canada, also state the State/Province (e.g "California, USA")
If in the US or Canada, also state the State/Province (e.g "California, USA")
Name, Phone and Email
If you have done only one Level 1, you will need to:

1. Have your L1 lead message Bruce about your readiness to attend Level 2  
2. Send us a letter or video of application about why you would be a powerful exception which we will forward to Bruce to participate in this training.


The final price will include an additional 3% to cover fees from our payment processor.  If you'd like to use an alternative payment method (like Zelle) to avoid the fees, please use 
for payment options and choose the "alternative payment method" option below.  

If the Full Price Tier or Repeater Tier are full, you will be added to a wait list for that tier- we will let you know in a confirmation email if that is the case.

If this is a problem, please use the comment box or contact us at

★ Assistants: ISTA Graduates only. Please fill out the Application Form
★ Youth & other Leah Fund applicants, please follow the process outlined HERE
★ World Empowerment Trust (WET) Fund applicants, please follow the process outlined HERE
Final price will include an additional 3% to cover fees from our payment processor.
Include the dates, location and Lead facilitator.


Accommodations are available on a first come/first served basis.  Please look at the following and then let us know your preference below:

DORM: Dorm spaces with 4-5 bunk beds per room are available in the building where we have our meals.  

CABINS: Cabins have a mixture of bedrooms and all have bathrooms.  Some have two bedrooms, some have four – some have double beds and/or twins while some have queen size bunk beds.

WOOD CABINS: These are single-room cabins intended for a single person or a couple who are upgrading to a private space. Most of these have full/queen beds and two of them have twins that can be joined together as Cal Kings. All have power but no bathroom.  (additional $450 USD)

SUMMER CABINS: A single screened in room-like camping option without having to put up a tent!  They have a futon and bedding but no power or bathroom. There's no discount offered for summer cabins.

YURT: A single room where 1-6 people can sleep comfortably. Bedding included.

TENT CAMPING: Camping is available near the cabins with bathrooms available nearby.  Be sure to bring all the WARM bedding, pillows, and other gear you need (the temperature may drop into the 40's overnight). There's no discount offered for camping.

RV'S/ TRAILERS/ CAR: There's no discount offered for bringing a RV/trailer/car camping. NOTE: The cost of connecting to the power grid is $25/day.  Please bring a 100ft extension cord.

LARGER BEDS: If you are a single human and would like to upgrade to a Queen or King sized bed for an additional $250, please let us know below. Couples can upgrade to a larger bed in a shared space free of charge. These larger beds are first come, first served.

PRIVATE ROOMS: Private spaces will be available on a first come, first served basis for an additional $450 USD. You will start out on the Private Housing Wait List until we know how many spaces will be available.  We will let you know closer to the training if you have a private space.

Click HERE for a diagram of the housing options.
Please choose as many 1st, 2nd, 3rd choices as you like.  We will do our best to place you in your higher priority choices as space allows.
1st choice
2nd choice
3rd choice
Not interested
Please let us know if you are interested in the Queen/King Bed upgrade.
Please let us know if you are interested in being added to the wait list for a private room for an additional fee of $450 USD.  No payment is required to be added to the wait list.
Share the names of anyone you know (who is going to the training) who you would like to room with, and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Please include any special needs and please let us know if you snore loudly.
If you are upgrading to a private room or larger bed to share with a partner, please tell us their name.


Check all that apply

Tribal Connections

Final Pieces

Release of Liability

Exquisite Love LLC - Acknowledgement and Agreement for Assumption of Risk, Waiver, Release, and Consent for Participation in Exquisite Love LLC events

In consideration of the benefits of participation in Exquisite Love LLC events, and Exquisite Love LLC-affiliated events, I enter into this agreement and hereby acknowledge and agree as follows:

I. Definitions: ”Activities" shall mean all programs, classes, training and instructional sessions, events, coaching, and exercises offered by Exquisite Love LLC, Philippe Lewis or any other entity, organization, or individual in conjunction with Exquisite Love LLC, Philippe Lewis. “The Released Parties” shall mean Exquisite Love LLC, Philippe Lewis or any other entity, organization, or individual in conjunction with Exquisite Love LLC, Philippe Lewis. "Use of the Facilities" shall mean the presence on or admission to the premises or site where the Activities occur (whether indoors or outdoors) for participation, observation, instructional or any other purpose, use of the equipment, or any other property supplied by Exquisite Love LLC, Philippe Lewis or any other  individual acting in conjunction with Exquisite Love LLC.

II. Assumption of Risk: I acknowledge and understand that my participation in the Activities or Use of the Facilities will require varying degrees of physical exercise, contact with other persons, and exposure to various conditions of the Facilities.   I understand that such exercise, contact and exposure inherently carry the risk of serious injury and damage to my person or property, including without limitation, loss, death, or disability. I am aware that the usual risks, hazards, and dangers of injury, death, or disability, and loss increase when the activity takes place outdoors or when I or others consume intoxicating substances. I acknowledge that my participation in the Activities is strictly voluntary, and I acknowledge that am in good health and physical condition. In spite of the risks and dangers, I voluntarily assume any and all risks, known or unknown,anticipated or not, including but not limited to risks as listed above, related to participation in the Activities and Use of the Facilities.   As such, I understand and agree that The Released Parties shall not be liable for any injury, loss or claim, including without limitation, personal, bodily, or mental injury, death, disability, economic loss, property damage, or any other damage suffered by me in connection with my participation in the Activities or Use of the Facilities, whether resulting from the acts, negligent or otherwise, of The Released Parties or anyone else's participation in the Activities or Use of the Facilities.

III. Waiver & Release: I  hereby agree, on behalf of myself and my next of kin, heirs and representatives, to release and forever discharge, and promise not to sue, The Released Parties from any and all claims, actions, damages, liability, costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees which are related to, arise out of, or are in any way connected to my participation in the Activities or Use of the Facilities, whether or not the same are caused by the acts or omissions, negligence or otherwise, of any Released Parties  or anyone else participating in the Activities or Use of the Facilities. By this agreement, it is my intention to surrender and waive any rights to sue or exercise any legal right to seek damages from Exquisite Love LLC, Philippe Lewis or any other entity, organization, or individual in conjunction with Exquisite Love LLC, Philippe Lewis.  

IV.  Pay Costs for My Own Misconduct: I agree to defend, indemnify, hold harmless and protect the Released Parties  from and against any and all claims by another person against a Released Party, including payment of attorney’s fees, which are the result of my own alleged negligence or affirmative misconduct during or arising out of my participation in this Activity, including travel to and from or before, during or after the Activity. If any Released Party incurs any of these types of expenses, I agree to reimburse the said party on demand.

V.  Medical or Mental Condition: Persons with any known or suspected medical or mental conditions should consult first with their doctor before engaging in the Activities, and before using any Facilities and should not engage in the Activities or use the Facilities if subject to any medical or mental condition that might impact their ability to safely do so.  

VI. Clarification of Scope: I am responsible for creating, implementing and sustaining my own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results. As such, I agree that the Released Parties are not and will not be liable for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided. I understand that Activities are not therapy and is not meant to be a substitute for therapy or other forms of professional mental health support, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease. I understand that Activities are not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical or other qualified professionals and will seek independent professional guidance for such matters if needed. If I am currently under the care of a medical or mental health professional, it is required that I inform the Released Parties about the nature of this care. I must also speak to the medical or mental health care provider to get approval from that professional for participation in the Activities.

VII.  Acknowledgements: Despite possible group agreements suggesting, advising, recommending, or requesting that participants refrain from being under the influence, I acknowledge that participants may be under the influence and therefore especially susceptible to causing or contributing to incidents, or incurring incidents or injuries of various kind. I acknowledge that if any pools or water features are present there shall be NO JUMPING OR DIVING INTO POOLS ALLOWED WHATSOEVER and no running, rough play or horseplay of any kind is appropriate at any time.  I understand the Facilities may have various potential hazards, including stairs, uneven walking surfaces, dimly lit or non-lighted areas, steep hillside and decks and balconies and associated risks. I acknowledge that I DO NOT REQUEST OR NEED ANY FURTHER WARNINGS OR CAUTIONS about known or unknown, obvious or hidden hazards or dangers that may be present at the Location and that I will take responsibility for my own safety, and WILLINGLY ASSUME ALL RISKS related to the Activity or my presence at the Location.

VIII.  Miscellaneous: 
(a) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of California, U.S.A.
(b) This Agreement shall be effective indefinitely and shall apply to all contemporaneous agents, representatives, officers, directors, principals, successors, affiliates. subsidiaries, employees, and all other persons acting on their behalf of any Released Parties, including but not limited to Exquisite Love LLC, Philippe Lewis, or any other entity, organization, or individual assisting in the Activities or Use of the Facilities, which persons shall be express third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement

I hereby certify that I am over 18 years of age. I have carefully read the foregoing of this document and acknowledge that I understand and agree to all of the above terms and condition.

Participant Consent Agreement

Participant Consent Agreement

ISTA is a mystery school honoring the body, soul, and spirit integration.

ISTA is a celebration of life and a creation of spaces that invite life-force to vibrate and move freely.

ISTA’s initiatory program is a week-long experience. It is an individual process supported by a group field designed to awaken strong emotions and work with personal and sexual expression.

We work with group fields of human beings learning tools to navigate daily life. We offer explorations within a ritual setting and initiation experiences designed to support the practice of these tools, awakening dormant emotions, releasing old patterns of conditioning, and supporting conscious sexual expression.

We bring awareness and nourish aspects that emphasize self-responsibility as an essential requirement to navigate sexual, shamanic, and spiritual spaces.

As an ever-evolving organism, our growth has its challenges and demands. We continue reviewing and resetting as we move deeper into listening to inner guidance and how our interactions transform the space around us.

Our field acknowledges, continues to evolve, and includes some of the gifts of trauma-informed models. However, ISTA trainings are NOT a replacement for physical-emotional-mental therapy and are NOT focused on treating pathology.

ISTA trainings are also not presuming to treat complex trauma or personality disorders. If you suffer from severe trauma, mental illness, or are taking medications, we recommend that you consult your therapist/ psychiatrist to check if participating is advisable.

The ISTA field activates the life force and is, at times, emotionally intense. We recommend that individuals seek one-on-one sessions and get approval from their therapist before participating in this group process. Primarily if there are known deep-seated traumas or an inability to down-regulate oneself.

As a mystery school, ISTA approaches trauma from the shamanic perspective of connecting with the body and soul. Guided by a growth-centered view, ISTA supports consciousness-raising for those exposed to trauma to be agents in the creation of their own well-being rather than solely victims of traumatic events, thus, overcoming images of themselves as being powerless and being able to take charge of their lives.

Please consider if your mental health is ready and capable of undertaking such powerful initiations and if you can take responsibility for your mental stability.


In saying all of the above, we, the facilitators, acknowledge and recognize our responsibility to offer participants nondiscriminatory care, a consent focused space, and appropriate support concerning the process as you navigate the ISTA journey.

The ISTA facilitation team

I have read, understood, and agreed to the above terms and commitments and take 100% responsibility for such (please sign below)

Is there anything else you want to tell us?
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