Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative

School Nutrition Services

Vendor Fair Application and Agreement

Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative (Arch Ford) in Plumerville, Arkansas, will host our School Nutrition Services (SNS) Training, Networking, and Team Building (TNT) conference on August 1, 2024, at Perryville High School in Perryville, Arkansas. Businesses and organizations that would like to exhibit between the hours of 11:25 a.m. - 12:40 p.m. may complete this form to request exhibit space. There is no fee for participation. Your participation will enhance the experience for our school districts, so we welcome you!
When applying, please be sure to recheck all spelling on this form before submitting it. Arch Ford will use this spelling exactly as submitted on the form on all printed materials. If there are additional questions or concerns, those may be addressed to Priscilla Riedel-Cohan, Program Coordinator for School Nutrition, at or by mobile phone at (903) 746-1626.
JULY 25, 2024

The vendor of school food service/CNP wares, i.e., equipment, software, technology services, promotion, and education resources, (“Vendor”) enters into an agreement with Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative ("Arch Ford") for the purpose of guaranteeing an exhibition space at Arch Ford's Vendor Fair. 

By submitting this application, Vendor acknowledges that Arch Ford or the host location maintains no insurance covering Vendor’s property and that Vendor assumes full responsibility for all items brought to the Vendor Fair. Arch Ford or the host location assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged merchandise or equipment available for presentation or exhibition as a result of this agreement or for the operation of such equipment. It is Vendor’s responsibility to obtain insurance covering any such loss.
Vendor acknowledges and understands that the function of the Vendor Fair is to allow invited Vendors to provide information to school districts about products and services. Arch Ford is in no way responsible for purchasing decisions of these districts and makes no representations regarding sales or contracts for services resulting from this Vendor Fair.
Exhibits are subject to the approval of Arch Ford and shall be consistent with the professional atmosphere of the Vendor Fair. Vendor personnel shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the professional atmosphere of the Vendor Fair.

The Vendor is responsible for all items necessary to prepare the exhibit, including, but not limited to, equipment, backdrops, extension cords, and exhibit supports. A six-foot table and at least one standard electric outlet will be provided by Arch Ford. Vendor may be required to pay for additional electrical services. A limited number of spaces are available for reservation. Exhibition spaces measure 6’ X 8’ and will include the above-mentioned items. It is necessary for Vendor to request the number of exhibition spaces to be reserved and make these reservations by the advertised deadline. Vendor set-up will be announced with the confirmation letter from Arch Ford.
The use of thumbtacks, nails, tape, post-it type pages, bolts or tools, or any other material that could mark the walls or floors is strictly prohibited. Repairs necessitated by any damage to Arch Ford or host location property caused by Vendor or its employees or agents must be paid for by the Vendor.
All activity must be confined to the prescribed area and will not interfere with the educational components of the conference or other activities occurring on the premises. Exhibitors may not place brochures, products, or other materials outside the exhibit area.
Vendors who make a reservation for exhibition spaces(s), but become unable to participate must contact Priscilla Riedel-Cohan, Program Coordinator for School Nutrition, at Arch Ford by calling (903) 746-1626. Upon receipt of written intent to cancel/terminate this agreement, the same shall be done. Arch Ford reserves the right to cancel this agreement under the same terms as outlined if for some reason Arch Ford needs to cancel the Vendor Fair.
Vendor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative from all claims and liability due to acts or omissions of Vendor, its agents, or employees arising out of Vendor’s installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy, use of the exhibit area or any part thereof, or participation in the showcase. Vendor further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative from any and all expenses, including attorney fees, all court costs, and awards for damages incurred by Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative in litigation or otherwise resisting such claims or liabilities as a result of any activities of Vendor, its agents, or employees.
Vendor agrees to maintain liability insurance in the amount of at least $1 million per occurrence and $2 million per aggregate.
Vendor must conform to all regulations, ordinances, and laws, including among others, fire, health, and safety.
All matters not addressed in this agreement are subject to local, state, or federal law OR the sole discretion of Arch Ford Education Service Cooperative if there is no other authority.
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