In consideration of the benefits received from participating in in-person meetings and activities (which may include travel) (“Trinity Activities”) sponsored by The Rector, Church-Wardens, and Vestrymen of Trinity Church in the city of New-York d/b/a Trinity Church NYC, including its clergy, wardens, vestry, officers, employees, members, lay leaders, volunteers, independent contractors, agents, and all other persons or entities associated with it (“Trinity”), I, on behalf of myself, and on behalf of the minor or minors listed below who is participating in Trinity Activities and for whom I have the capacity as parent or legal guardian (each, a “Minor”), acknowledge and agree as follows:
Assumption of Risks: Participating in Trinity Activities may have inherent risks, hazards, and dangers, and may result in accidents, injuries, property damage, illness, disability, or death. Trinity Activities may occur indoors or outdoors and may require physical exertion, including but not limited to the use of weights and cardiovascular equipment, stretching, and other activities and equipment related to strength and endurance training. Persons leading Trinity Activities may be unpaid volunteers and not professional guides or leaders. I, on behalf of myself, and on behalf of Minor, affirm that we are participating voluntarily in Trinity Activities with knowledge of the risks involved, and I, on behalf of myself, and on behalf of Minor, take responsibility for having appropriate skills, equipment, supplies, and physical conditioning to engage in the specific Trinity Activities. By traveling to and participating in inperson Trinity Activities, I, on behalf of myself, and on behalf of Minor, voluntarily assume the risks and agree to accept sole responsibility for any injury, illness, personal or property damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense of any kind, including but not limited to, those resulting in/from disability or death, from acts of God (including climatic and seismic events), armed conflict, pandemics, and/or exposure to or infection with COVID19 (“Claims”), that I or Minor may experience or incur in connection with my or Minor’s participation in Trinity Activities. I understand that the risk becoming exposed to or infected by COVID19 in connection with my or Minor’s participation in Trinity Activities may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of others, including but not limited to Trinity employees and other guests.
I, on behalf of myself, and on behalf of Minor, hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless Trinity (as defined in this waiver) from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs, or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating to such Claims.