American Childrens



Thank you for your interest in our ACT classes for our SPRING Semester 2025!  We offer classes in musical theatre, singing, tap dance and drama at 2 Paris locations, 5 days per week, for ages 3 to 18.  


**Please NOTE: If you have any concerns regarding registration, please email us at Thank you!




Our weekly musical theatre classes train students in singing, dancing and acting.  We work towards large scale productions held in professional theatres with full costume, make up, stage design and music.  Auditons are held to decided on parts but scripts are edited to ensure that all students receive a role where they can shine.  Full class details are on our website under classes - semester classes. 

**Please note, we are not a program to teach English. Whilst our program can provide an environment to practice English, students must be able to follow directions and practice lines in English without disrupting the class

  • TWINKLERS ages 3-6
  • SPARKLERS ages 7-10
  • GLITTERATTI ages 11-18
  • ALL STARS  our advanced program and performance troupe. Entrance is by audition only. This program is only open to students who have been at ACT for at least a year. Auditions will be held in June for the September intake of All Stars for the following year. If you have questions regarding All Stars, please email us at



These classes focus on one specific performance area, allowing the students to develop and grow their skills more rapidly.

Students signed up to a core class can add a workshop class at 20% discount!  Workshop classes are also open to those not enrolled in the core classes.

TWINKLE TOES - Our special dance class for ages 3-6 teaches the basics of movement with influences from jazz, ballet and tap. The class will teach rhythm, basic technique and musicality whilst working towards a "show dance" to be performed at the professional theatre in December.

BROADWAY BEATS! - Ages 6-10, this class builds on basic dance skills, developing the students knowledge across tap, jazz and ballet. No prior dance experience necessary! The kids will learn short routines inspired by Broadway musicals as well as exploring their creativity through dance games and choreography exercises.

VOCAL PERFORMANCE Age 8+ ACT director Erin Colston leads this special class focusing on singing technique and performance. Students will work on proper singing technique as well as building solo, duet, and group repertoires.


Spring Semester will start January 11, 2025.

Classes run until June 2025. We have a performance of their semesters work in June, in a large professional theatre.

Saint Michael's Paris, 5 rue d'Aguesseau, 75008, Foyer de Grenelle 17 rue de l'Avre, 75015, Paris

  Monday       Tuesday      Wednesday       Thursday    Saturday


Saint Michael's 75008

Foyer de Grenelle

 Advance Tap Class
Saint Michael's

Broadway Beats! & Twinkle Toes
Saint Michael's

Saint Michael's 75008


Saint Michael's 75008


Saint Michael's 75008


Saint Michael's 75008



Foyer de Grenelle





Saint Michael's 75008


All Stars

Foyer de Grenelle

 Vocal Performance

Saint Michael's 75008


Saint Michael's



Saint Michael's 75008





All Stars

Foyer de Grenelle




  SPRING 2nd class discount
Twinklers 385€  
Sparklers 425€  
Glitteratti 450€  
Twinkle Toes 360€ 20%
Broadway Beats! 360€ 20%
Vocal Performance 400€ 20%

*Please note that only one discount is applicable per class.

 * All fees are due the second week of class.  Please note that fees are non-refundable after February 1, 2025. 


 Payment can be done by the automated payment via Stripe below. For Bank transfers and Cash payments, please contact following your registration confirmation, so we can note your account appropriately and make other arrangements. Please note that there will be a delay in the registration process and Padlet links for any payments that are not done via automated or Cash payments.
No Musical Theatre Core Class

ACT is a non-profit association where everything is reinvested into the company and towards the children's musical theatre education program. ACT puts together high quality shows in theatres with hired professional musicians, technicians and staff which makes our overhead costs quite high. Other equivalent programs in the US, UK and elsewhere only pull off such high quality programs with either higher costs or lots of volunteer support from parents and the community.

To keep our expenses reasonable and our course fees affordable, we ask each family to volunteer at least 5 hours of their time over the semester to ACT to help carry out certain tasks (you may choose from the list below). We also understand that some of you might have a very busy schedule which makes volunteering impossible. If this is the case, we request an additional 50€ (per family) to help cover some of the show costs and hiring extra staff to replace volunteers. Please note that ALL parent volunteers work under the direction of an ACT Teacher or Staff member who is with the children from the time they arrive to the time they leave.

Additionally, we have more specific parent volunteer positions which can be taken on in exchange for a discount on course fees, but require more time committed. These positions will help keep things running smoothly, help with communication between parents, and assure that your children have the best possible program and shows!

PLEASE NOTE: We NEVER require parents to volunteer DURING their child's show. We do always ensure we have enough help during shows so that parents can watch and appreciate from the audience, and see how much their student has grown!

Larger Volunteer Roles:

Class Parent Leader - one parent per class who makes sure that all the parents in that class have important information from the teachers, aides the class teacher and group director with communication, and coordinates with other class parents at show time in groups by Cast (usually two to three classes per cast). This is a semester long commitment, and really helps build a sense of community and cooperation among the groups and ensures a smoother, more successful semester for all!

Class Costume Parent Leader - one to two parents per age group who help coordinate costumes. This does not require sewing, but rather an artistic eye for clothing and fashion, and a good sense of organization. These parents will help coordinate the costumes for each age group and work with our costume team to assure that items are pulled from storage, fitted on students, and that the right items are at the dress rehearsals for each cast. If items need to be made, they will help facilitate communication between volunteer sewing parents and the costume staff member to help assure the tasks get divided and accomplished. If you like fashion or organizing, this is a great role for you!

If you are interested in either of these volunteer positions, please email us and we are happy to discuss with you further.

If you do not have this level of time to commit, below are your options of how to still help assure a successful semester. Please note, if you agree to a volunteer category, we do expect follow-through, or else it does put us in a difficult position. We don't have the budget to just suddenly hire more help if parents back out, and this has put us into financial difficulty in the past, and jeopardizes our ability to continue to offer the standard of quality in shows, costumes, performances and experiences that our ACT families have come to expect and appreciate.

Thank you and we appreciate all your support!

Volunteer Option Agreement

As part of our commitment to finding the best ways to utilize your unique skills to support our program, we may request assistance from you in another area.

Opting Out of the Fee:

If you choose to waive the €50 fee in exchange for providing volunteer help, someone from ACT will check in with you to verify your hours or work exchange.


If you are unable to assist, we will require you to pay the €50 fee to help sustain the program.

ACT is a non-profit organization with a limited budget, and we rely on the support of our community to continue our work. Your contribution, whether through time or financial support, makes a significant difference.

By registering your child, you accept the following GDPR conditions for communication within the Association, communication notifications and the promotion of events. The information collected on this form is recorded in a file computerized by the Administrator of American Childrens Theater to enable the implementation of communication as well as notification of upcoming activities, camps and shows within the American Childrens Theater association. The data collected will be communicated only to the direct instructors and teachers within the ACT to facilitate communication for classes, activities, shows, events, etc. The data will be kept for 2 years. You can access the data concerning you, rectify it, request its deletion or exercise your right to limit the processing of your data. To exercise these rights or for any question relating to the processing of your data in this device, you can contact the Administrator of American Childrens Theater at

Sincerely, the American Childrens Theater Team.

En inscrivant votre enfant, vous acceptez les conditions GDPR suivantes pour la communication au sein de l'Association, les notifications de communication et la promotion d'événements.Les informations recueillies sur ce formulaire sont enregistrées dans un fichier informatisé par l'Administrateur de American Childrens Theatre pour permettre la mise en œuvre de la communication ainsi que la notification des activités, camps et spectacles à venir au sein de l'association American Childrens Theatre. Les données collectées seront communiquées uniquement aux instructeurs et enseignants directs au sein de l'ACT pour faciliter la communication pour les cours, activités, spectacles, etc. Les données seront conservées pendant 2 ans. Vous pouvez accéder aux données vous concernant, les rectifier, demander leur suppression ou exercer votre droit à la limitation du traitement de vos données. Pour exercer ces droits ou pour toute question relative au traitement de vos données dans ce dispositif, vous pouvez contacter l'Administrateur de American Childrens Theatre à

Cordialement, American Childrens Theatre Team.

Clear choice