Before submitting, ensure you have read and understand the
Coastal FC Refund & Collection Policy.
Please complete this form in full, as incomplete submissions will not be accepted.
Refund requests sent via email will not be processed.
Members must use the Coastal FC Refund Request Form to apply for a refund.
Player First & Last Name:
Player Date of Birth:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Phone number:
Email address:
Program Type:
Program Name:
Team Name (if applicable):
If in Academy Programs type N/A
Reason for Refund Request: (Check one)
Explanation for Request:
Supporting Documentation (For medical refunds only)
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood Coastal FC’s Refund & Collection Policy, including the applicable deadlines, fees, and conditions.
I understand that incomplete requests or those outside of the policy guidelines may not be approved.
I agree that I have read & reviewed the Coastal FC Refund & Collection Policy .
Parent/Guardian Signature
Submission Date: