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Wildlands Conservation Course Registration Form

Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent Certification Training

December 1-5, 2025

Location: Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park, New Port Richey, FL

Contact us at (813) 252-6517 or 

This email address will be used for all course communications. Make sure it is an email address that can accept incoming attachments and that it is one you check regularly.

Course Selection

Please carefully review the Full Course Descriptions at before selecting an option below:

PLEASE NOTE that GT1000 is a pre-requisite for all other courses unless you are already an Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent for other activities.


The GT2000 and GT4000 courses require proficiency in using computers and mapping software. While we provide detailed instructions that make completion of this course possible for those with little to no mapping experience, we will NOT be providing extensive assistance or technical support related to the mapping assignment portion of the course. If an individual requires extensive assistance, we can provide one-on-one map-making assistance for an additional fee.

Details for each class are as follows:
GT1000: online or in-person
GT2000: in-person outdoors
GT3000: online or in-person 
GT4000: in-person outdoors
GTR200: in-person outdoors; refresher course to meet the renewal experience requirements for conducting gopher tortoise surveys
GTR300: in-person outdoors or online; refresher course to meet the renewal experience requirements for gopher tortoise capture by bucket trap, live trap, and/or hand shovel excavation
GTR400: in-person outdoors; refresher course to meet the renewal activity experience requirements for authorization to Burrow Scope when conducting gopher tortoise burrow surveys for recipient site permit applications.

Lunch for in-person class days
We provide lunch on all in-person class days. Are you interested in the lunch that we will provide (pizza/subs) or do you prefer to bring your own?
Dietary restrictions

Important Course Information

I understand that this class is both intellectually and physically demanding, and that failure to achieve 100% written exams or field tests will result in a failure to successfully complete the class or specific authorized activities included in the class.

I understand that I will not receive a completion letter for specified Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent activities if I fail to successfully meet the thresholds of the class (or specific class components).

I understand that Wildlands Conservation does not offer refunds of course costs or additional testing attempts if I fail the course (or a specific class component). Failure or incompletion of any part of the course will require me to register for the next available class at the regular rate if I wish to pursue any additional attempts to become authorized for specific activities as an Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent through Wildlands Conservation.

I understand that FWC charges a separate one-time mitigation contribution of $664 to become an Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent, and that this fee is not included in the course costs paid to Wildlands Conservation.

I understand that field training conditions may be hot, buggy, or otherwise difficult, and will be prepared for these conditions by bringing sunscreen, a reusable water bottle, insect repellent, appropriate clothing/footwear, and any other item I may require for harsh and rugged conditions.

Payment can be submitted online through PayPal or by check/purchase order. A PayPal account is not required to pay online by debit or credit card. To pay by check or purchase order, close the browser window when it redirects to the PayPal website after you submit your registration. Email to arrange payment by purchase order. Checks can be mailed to:

Wildlands Conservation
15310 Amberly Dr, Suite 206
Tampa, FL 33647

Payment Method

Please indicate the method through which you will pay. 

NOTE: Payment in full must be received by the first day of the course. In order to reserve your spot, a $200 deposit must be recieved in advance. Space for unpaid registrations or deposits will be opened up to individuals on the course waiting list.

You do not need a PayPal account to pay online. After submitting your registration form and being redirected to PayPal, there is a link to pay directly via credit/debit card.If you require an invoice or purchase order for payment, please provide contact information for the individual to whom the invoice should be sent (name and email address). If not paying directly online, you can close out of your browser window after your form is submitted and it redirects to the PayPal page.

Please provide the name and email address to whom invoices or purchase order requests should be addressed.

Gopher Tortoise License Plate Discount

Receive a $50 course discount if you purchased a license plate voucher before submitting your Authorized Agent Course registration. Vouchers are no longer for sale now that the plates are in the production phase, but you can sign up to be notified when plates are available for purchase by visiting

If you purchased a gopher tortoise license plate voucher, type code "TORT1" below to receive a $50 course discount! Please be advised that we will be checking registrations that use this discount code to ensure accuracy.