Please carefully review the Full Course Descriptions at before selecting an option below:
PLEASE NOTE that GT1000 is a pre-requisite for all other courses unless you are already an Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent for other activities.
The GT2000 and GT4000 courses require proficiency in using computers and mapping software. While we provide detailed instructions that make completion of this course possible for those with little to no mapping experience, we will NOT be providing extensive assistance or technical support related to the mapping assignment portion of the course. If an individual requires extensive assistance, we can provide one-on-one map-making assistance for an additional fee.
Details for each class are as follows:
GT1000: online or in-person
GT2000: in-person outdoors
GT3000: online or in-person
GT4000: in-person outdoors
GTR200: in-person outdoors; refresher course to meet the renewal experience requirements for conducting gopher tortoise surveys
GTR300: in-person outdoors or online; refresher course to meet the renewal experience requirements for gopher tortoise capture by bucket trap, live trap, and/or hand shovel excavation
GTR400: in-person outdoors; refresher course to meet the renewal activity experience requirements for authorization to Burrow Scope when conducting gopher tortoise burrow surveys for recipient site permit applications.