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General Quiz #1
1. Name 3 Reasons why it is important to be 15 minutes early to every after school program?
2. Which one of these is NOT one of the segments of a programing day card?
3. A student has been disruptive for the 2nd week in a row to start a new program, you have put the student in the Penalty Box for a couple of minutes each week, what other steps can you do to address the issue so the behavior does not continue for the rest of the programing weeks?
4. Which of these themes are good topics to discuss with your students?
5. Name 3 games you can play if you are forced inside by weather.
6. After filling out an OTA Incident Report, who should it go to?
7. Briefly describe your favorite warmup game.
8. What if you don’t have enough equipment for every kid to use?
9. You have a basketball class of 11 boys and 1 girl. The boys are not passing the ball to the girl. How do you handle this situation?
What do you do when a kid gets hurt?