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Training Exercise: Behavior
Below are some examples of behavioral issues that may arise during class. Write down how you would handle each situation to ensure class remains safe and fun for each child.
1. You are teaching a 13 kid Ultra Sports class by yourself and the sport today is soccer. Sally says she hates soccer and doesn’t want to play. She sits on the sideline and pouts.
Solution or Action to Take
2. In flag football class you notice 2 boys on opposite teams are getting very competitive and aggressive. During a play one boy pushes the other instead of grabbing his flag.
Solution or Action to Take:
3. You are teaching a K-2 basketball class and working on shooting. The baskets are low, but one child is still having trouble shooting and cannot even hit the backboard. Other students start to tease him and tell him how bad he is at basketball.
4. You are teaching a very wild class of 3-5th graders. They talk over you, don’t follow the rules, climb on the PE equipment, touch the balls without permission, step on your cones to flatten them, etc. You are having trouble even getting a warm up game started because the kids won’t listen.
Write down a behavior issue you’ve encountered in class that was difficult to handle. What did you do? Did it work?