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Cont. Training Exercise: Situational Responses
Below there are situations that you may come across as an OTA Instructor. What would you do?
You get to your program & realize you forgot your equipment. Name 3 games you can play today without any equipment.
You are running a basketball class for younger kids and realize that they cannot reach the baskets to shoot. What are 2 alternative things that you can do to still incorporate shooting in the class?
You have a class of 12 and only 6 kids show up today. What are 3 games you can play with just those 6 kids?
Your programming day card was made for an outdoor program utilizing lots of space. When you get to the school you realize the weather is bad so you must stay inside in a classroom. Name 3 games you can play in the confined space.
You have a child who constantly is misbehaving causing a distraction for the rest of the class. What are 3 ways you can handle the situation?
You are the only Instructor at a program and one of the kids gets a bloody nose. How do you handle the situation?
During your class parents are observing the program. What are 3 themes you should be emphasizing with a parent audience?
You get to your 25 kid class that you are scheduled to work with another Instructor. The other Instructor does not show up, what do you do?