I, the undersigned, being the owner or duly authorised representative of the owner of the above vessel hereby apply to register the vessel and declare that I have obtained certification to the satisfaction of the Conservators of the River Cam and the vessel being registered complies with the Conservancy current specification for construction, equipment and insurance.
I undertake that the vessel shall not be used on the navigation unless it does so comply.
I understand and acknowledge that the Conservators of the River Cam are entitled to cause the vessel, to which this application refers, to be inspected by duly authorised officers of Conservators to ascertain whether the vessel complies with requirements set out in the specification prescribed by Conservators.
I understand that the vessel, whilst on the navigation, shall have full current valid registration and the vessel's registration number shall be displayed on both sides of the hull in accordance with the Byelaws.
I undertake to pay any additional amount which may be due if the dimensions of the vessel are found upon official measurement exceed those shown above and/or if the vessel is used for commercial purposes.