Private vessel renewal form 2025/26
Upload evidence of insurance
A scan of your insurance certificate or similar
Vessel Name
Boat Safety Certificate expiry date. (Where applicable)
Registration Number(s)
If your vessel has been registered with us previously, please include your registration number. Registration numbers issued by the Environment Agency or Canal & River Trust numbers are also acceptable.
Vessel Category
Do you wish to attach a 4 HP and under engine to any unpowered craft? This engine must be temporary and removable.
Would you like to also register an unpowered tender?
50% discount if you register your tender with your main vessel
Would you like to also register a tender with an outboard engine under 4 hp.
I agree with Conservators of the River Cam Byelaws 1996.
I agree to the Conditions of Registration.
GDPR Agreement
I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry