Cam Conservancy Manual RMO & Commercial Vessel Registration 2025/26
Number of canoes or paddleboards RMO (up to 5m)
Number of canoes or paddleboards Commercial (up to 5m)
Number of canoes RMO (over 5m)
Number of canoes Commercial (over 5m)
Number of kayaks RMO (up to 5m)
Number of kayaks Commercial (up to 5m)
Number of kayaks RMO (over 5m)
Number of kayaks Commercial (over 5m)
Number of rowing dinghies RMO
Number of rowing dinghies Commercial
Number of hire punts (up to 1 metre beam RMO- max 6 people)
Number of hire punts (up to 1 metre beam Commercial- max 6 people)
Number of hire punts Commercial (over 1m up to 1.2m beam- max 8 people)
Number of hire punts Commercial (max 1.95m - max 13 people)
List vessel names and registration numbers (or upload below)
If your vessel has been registered with us previously, please include your registration number. Registration numbers issued by the Environment Agency or Canal & River Trust numbers are also acceptable.
Digital signature
Simply use your mouse to 'draw' a version of your signature in the box
I agree with Conservators of the River Cam Byelaws 1996.
I agree to the Conditions of Registration.
Intended method of payment
Please indicate your method of payment. Full instructions on how to pay available on the website (short link)