Royal Colwood Golf Club is currently accepting membership applications to join the Club as a Golf Wait List Member. There is a deposit of 10% upon submitting application for membership which will be applied to the Initiation Fee once your membership has been accepted. This deposit is non-refundable. The current wait list time is approximately 9 to 12 months depending on the type of membership selected. During the time on the Golf Wait List you will receive a complimentary Social Membership with full access to the Dining Room, Macan Lounge and all Club Events. You will also be able to play 12 rounds per year as a guest of a member at the current guest of member rate.
I accept this application will be subject to approval from Royal Colwood Golf Club’s Membership Committee and their recommendation to the Board of Directors.
I understand that any member duly elected for membership is considered thereby to have submitted himself/herself to the rules and regulations of the Club and its By-laws, Policies, and any amendments thereto.