2025 Upper Shore Micro Ag Grant Program
● Completed and signed W9 (fillable PDF can be found at www.kentcounty.com/aggrant)
Is the business operated in Kent County?
Which category best describes your business?
Please check any of the following that describe to your project (if none, leave blank):
Please describe the project for which the funds will be used:
Please identify any community partners which will benefit from this project. Please also identify any businesses working in cooperation with the project.
Specify below the expenses for which the grant funds will be utilized.NOTE: You MUST include a detailed budget and a clear outline of estimated costs for your application to be eligible.
Please provide a detailed budget. Utilize projections or estimated costs if necessary.(Please note that documentation such as receipts and invoices will be required for reimbursement)
Specify below cash or in-kind contributions that will be used toward the total project cost:
Please be as detailed as possible.
Applicant Initials:
Signature of Authorized Signer/Owner
By typing your name below, you are virtually signing this application. You also confirm that all of the information provided is true and complete to the best of your knowledge.
Business Name