We believe in
- academic pursuit, as an activity shared by parents and children, and as a customary means of God preparing His people for their calling in the world.
- Jesus Christ, and families who operate with a stated desire to serve Him, and who raise children in the hope that they will grow up to serve Him.
- God’s intention that His children grow up in places of physical, emotional, and spiritual safety.
- Biblical truths with regards to marriage, family, gender, authority, purity, and calling.
We believe
- that God has revealed Himself to be a triune God who exists co-eternally and co-equally in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. (Luke 3:21-22; Matt. 28:19)
- that Jesus Christ is both fully human and fully God (Phil 2:5-8; Heb. 4:15).
- that He is the express image of the invisible God (Col 1:15; Heb. 1:3).
- that He is to be worshipped, praised and adored, not only for what He has done, but for who He is – the Son of God and God the Son (Rev 5:8).
- that Jesus is the eternal God that took on the form of a man when He wasconceived and born to a virgin (John 1:14; Matt 1:18; Isaiah 7:14).
- that the Holy Bible is God-breathed, useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. (2 Tim 3:16)
We believe specific Biblical truths with regards to
- Authority – God is sovereign over His created order. (Psalm 103:19, Psalm 135:5-6)
- Gender – biologically and emotionally set by God, male and female (Genesis 1:27, Mark 10:6)
- Calling – established by God, for everyone (Eph. 4:7-8, Romans 12:6)
- Sexual purity – Intimacy is to be only within marriage (Hebrews 13:4, I Thess. 4:3)
- Marriage – intended for one man and one woman for life (I Cor. 6:9, Romans 1:27-28)
● I agree to register with each teacher with whom my child is taking a class.
● I agree to pay the $125 per family Annual Enrollment fee. This fee is non-refundable, is good for all campuses, and is discounted to an early-bird rate of $100 if registration is completed before July 1.
● I fully agree with and affirm ODA's Statement of Faith & Policies of One Day Academy any time I am on a campus at One Day Academy.
● I give permission for my child to be photographed in the course of normal campus activities, and for the pictures to be used in the publications/website of ODA.
● I give permission for my email address to be added to the ODA email database with the understanding that ODA does not sell or share this information.