2025 Trinity Summer Children's Program
Please Note: Children must be enrolled in Trinity Children’s Programming to participate in our summer activities. Click here to enroll.
Child name
Is child enrolled in children’s programming at Trinity Church NYC?
Please click here to enroll child in children’s programming at Trinity Church NYC before proceeding with Summer Program registration.
School grade as of September 2025
Age as of August 2025
Date of birth
Parent/Guardian name
Parent/Guardian email
Parent/Guardian phone
Emergency medical contact 1 name
Emergency medical contact 1 phone
Emergency medical contact 1 alternate contact info
Emergency medical contact 2 name
Emergency medical contact 2 phone
Emergency medical contact 2 alternate contact info
Please be sure to update Trinity Church NYC staff if this information changes.
List any chronic illness
Does your child suffer from allergies?
Does your child carry an EpiPen?
List any allergies, note severity and treatment
List any physical limitations
Describe any emotional, behavioral or psychological issues that may pose a challenge for your child
List current medications
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your child?
I acknowledge that I am responsible for coordinating drop-off and pickup for my child at 9am and 3pm each day of the program.
I authorize each of the following people to drop off my child at, and pick up my child from, the Trinity Church NYC Children’s Summer Program. I understand that if I, or one of the people named below, is unable to pick up my child, I will authorize another adult in writing.
Authorized pickup 1 name
Authorized pickup 1 phone
Authorized pickup 1 alternate contact info
Authorized pickup 2 name
Authorized pickup 2 phone
I am enrolling my child for:
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